Monday, November 30, 2009


Ignore the toilet paper. That's not what we're going to talk about to today. You're looking at Sunday's meal because it was only after our housemate Layla started taking pictures and saying how it was the perfect time of day for doing so that we remembered we had a camera too. (If not for housemates you'd never see pics on here.) So... leaving me to roll out the chapati, Patience ran up to get the camera and....

Voila, Daren rolls chapati. So what pray tell is chapati? Well the way we make it, it comes out something like gordita tortillas; which is actually awesome because while the taco shells they sell here are quite tasty, they cost an arm and a leg and are roughly the size of a folded dime. Chapati, on the other hand goes something like this...

put some flour in a bowl
add warm water until you think it looks right
knead in bowl with hand until it becomes "laini" (smooth, not sticky - this is actually the tricky part because it never becomes unsticky)
add a pinch of salt or two or three (Depending on your blood pressure and your family health history)

next comes the FUN part (if by fun, you mean a measure of tedium mixed with small bruises on your fingers from the rolling pin that you don't notice until you wake up the next morning and think... where on earth did THAT come from?)

roll flat (think tostada)
spread teaspoon of oil over the top surface
roll round (think tostito)
roll spirally (think cinnabon)
add some more oil
Roll flat again (think flat and THIN)

Then the cooking (what you see above is pre-cooking)
dry fry one side
add oil, fry both sides
EAT with greens, rice, ground beef (mincemeat here), fish, potatoes, chicken, eggs, pretty much whatever. It essentially doubles as the fork AND bread for the meal.

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